Courteney Lowe

I have been going to Pip for the past 3 years for sports massage, when I got introduced to Lymphatic drainage. Pip wanted to see if it would help with recovery and energy levels for my cycling, and I was pretty keen on those results so I gave it a go. Not only was the experience of getting the massage comfortable and enjoyable, the results were awesome. I felt more energized the next day when going out on hard rides and it was as if I was more recovered for the following days training. The other part that I noticed was that I felt less bloated all the time, I would pee for longer and my system just felt cleaner and well-tuned. Thanks Pip for introducing me to this different type of massage, I would certainly recommend this to not only everyday people but to athletes who want to get that extra edge!

Courteney Lowe: Professional cyclist for Optum P/B KBS and 2013 Elite National Road Champ